What Could be the Possible Causes of Blood in Urine?


Blood in Urine is known as hematuria and this is the condition in which urine appears pinkish in color. This could be a sign of any urology issues and to consult it is important to find the best urology hospital in Dehradun.  

Well, in this post, we will see some of the possible causes of hematuria.

What is Hematuria?

Hematuria is the condition when someone experiences blood in his/her urine. As a result, the blood turns pinkish in color. In some instances, the person pees only blood and those cases could be severe. While on the other hand, sometimes, blood in urine is harmless. But still, you need to find a specialist for urine problem in Dehradun to confirm whether your condition is harmless or not. Let us see some of the possible causes of the condition.

What Causes Blood in Urine?

Here is what can bring blood into urine:

Urinary Tract Infection

One of the commonest causes of hematuria is urinary tract infection (UTI). These generally occur because of bacterial infection where they multiply in the urethra. In the elderly, blood might not be visible with the naked eye in urine but under a microscope.

 Kidney Infection or Stones

Also known as pyelonephritis, this is a condition characterized by a bacterial infection in the kidney. Here, bacteria enter to the kidney from the bloodstream or move from ureters. Kidney stones may also be the cause of hematuria.

If you have kidney stones or bleeding problems in your kidney, look for the best hospital for RIRS in Dehradun.

 Kidney Disease

Inflammation of the kidney, especially glomerulonephritis is another common cause of microscopic bleeding in the urine.


Bladder, kidney, or prostate cancer may be the cause of visible urinary bleeding.

 Besides these, some other possible causes of urinary bleeding may include:

·         Inherited disorders

·         Kidney injury

·         Enlarged prostate

·         Certain medications

·         Rigorous exercise

If you are experiencing blood in urine, find the besturology doctor in Dehradun at Vibhuti Hospitals. 


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